China Economy Shredded On Zero-Covid Policy : Corona Virus

Biggest Asian country China's economy shredded sharply in the second quarter of the year 2022 as…

Corona vaccine booster dose time reduced from 9 months to 6 months

The gap between the booster doses of Covid has been reduced. Now it has been reduced…

India’s Covid-19 tally has surpassed 8K for the second day, with 8,582 new infections and 44,513 ongoing cases

For the second day in a row, India's Covid-19 tally has reached 8,000 new infections, with…

Covid spike in Maharashtra, daily count exceeds 1000 cases state can face 4th wave

For the previous week, the western state has observed an increase in Covid-19 cases, with daily…

COVID-19 Resurgence in Maharashtra

In the state of Maharashtra, there has been a sudden surge in covid-19 cases this thursday…