Two meteoroids responsible for extinction of dinosaurs

A new study has found that two meteoroids impacted earth which caused the wipeout of READ…

SpaceX’s cargo dragon returns to earth

The SpaceX cargo Dragon spaceship returned to earth carrying the spacesuit parts of an astronaut from…

New image of a star-studded cluster by Hubble Space telescope

The hubble space telescope has recently obtained pictures of a star-studded globular cluster READ MORE...

New target location for moon landing – NASA

NASA in its recent announcement has proclaimed about its targeting of 13 possible spots for another…

Evolution of the dinosaurs- new study

A recent study on dinosaurs has shed light on how the mass extinction boosted evolution for…

Anti Vaxxer groups in full swing on Online forums

The anti vaxxer movement in the European continent has been in full swing in the online…

Spinning themselves to death – Oort Cloud comets

Scientists have come close to resolving the question of how oort cloud comets die READ MORE...

A hybrid coral reef’s construction off the coast of Miami

The students and scientists of the university of Miami plan to build a hybrid coral reef…

Indian ex-cricketer Vinod Khambli looking for work

The ex- indian cricketer Vinod Khambli is now looking for any work he can get READ…

Mysteries of the consciousness unraveled?

Physicists claim to have solved the age-old mysteries of the consciousness READ MORE...

Mar’s sand: created by asteroid impacts

Recent research has shown that some of mar's sand is created by impact from asteroids READ…

Changing colours and rhythm – The red giant betelguese

the red giant in the constellation of Orion, Betelguese has READ MORE...

Charges levied on Salman Rushide’s attacker

The court has arraigned the attacker of Salman Rushidie READ MORE...

Punjab’s new pension scheme for MLAs

The Chief Minister of Punjab has announced the One MLA-one Pension law which READ MORE...

Stellar Outburst of a star

One of the largest stars in the Orion constellation, Betelgeuse, had a massive stellar outburst READ…