4 children become HIV positive due to blood transfusion without testing

Four children have been found HIV positive in Nagpur, Maharashtra. These four children had a disease called Thalassemia. During the treatment, these children were given blood transfusion. After which these children became HIV positive. One child out of these four has died. According to ANI, Assistant Deputy Director Dr RK Dhakate in the State Health Department has said that strict action will be taken in this matter. The guilty will be punished.

According to the National Health Mission, India is at number one in the case of Thalassemia Major. Children suffering from this need frequent blood transfusions. Every year 10-15 thousand children in the country are born with this blood disorder. In the year 2019, many celebs raised the issue of Thalassemia. Hrithik Roshan, Sonakshi Sinha, Rajkumar Rao. Recently, many more celebs posted their pictures on Twitter. In all these pictures, only half of his face is visible. Also a message has been written. ‘Erase half life. Get Thalassemia test done. Don’t give half your life to your children.’

This is a disease that is passed on from parents to children. A kind of blood disorder. That is, a disease of the blood. In this, your body makes a lot of hemoglobin. Now what is this hemoglobin? Because of hemoglobin, your red blood cells work to carry oxygen from one place to another in your body. Thalassemia causes red blood cells to die out. The result is anemia. That is, red blood cells are not being made in your body as per the requirement. There are three types of Thalassemia disease. If you have Thalassemia minor, then it is not very serious. But the alpha and beta versions of this disease are quite dangerous.

What are the symptoms of Thalassemia?

  • Bones do not grow in the normal way. Especially the face.
  • Thick colored urine.
  • Slow growth of children.
  • Always feeling tired.
  • Yellowing of the skin.

Why does Thalassemia happen?

This disease occurs when there is some problem in the gene that makes hemoglobin. You get these jeans from your parents. If one of your parents has Thalassemia, you have Thalassemia Minor. And in such a situation, you do not even know the symptoms of Thalassemia. This disease also passes from you to your child. If both your parents have thalassemia, you may have a more dangerous version of the disease.

What is the treatment for Thalassemia?

  • new blood transfusion
  • medicines
  • surgery

What tests are done before blood transfusion?

  • HBsAg test, also known as Australia antigen (this is a test for hepatitis B.)
  • HIV
  • hepatitis C
  • If the pathologist finds something wrong with the blood, then further investigation is done.
  • Blood type is checked.
  • Antibody screening is done.
  • Many times it happens that the antibodies present in the blood can harm the other patient.
  • A test for syphilis is done (it is a bacterial infection that is spread through sexual intercourse).

All these tests are very important. Every blood bank has to do these tests. If blood is donated to someone without investigation, then there can be a case like Nagpur.

Therefore, keep these things in mind while donating and donating blood. Take blood from a licensed blood bank only.

Featured Image: Reuters